AG九游会 主要是因为以下几点
据报道,"It is a clue to the location of the pirate Black Sam Bellamy's treasure.", "它是可以解开海盗黑山姆‧贝拉密的宝藏所在的线索。
此外,A couple looks at a portrait of Cuban President Fidel Castro, done by late Ecuadorean painter Oswaldo Guayasamin, at the Guayasamin House in Havana, July 6, 2006.", 在古巴首都哈瓦纳的瓜亚沙敏之屋,一对夫妇欣赏由已故厄瓜多画家瓜亚沙敏绘制的古巴总统卡斯楚肖像。
因此,In order to avoid being eroded by measured mediums or being affected by denseness and crystal, additional isolating device should be installed.", 为了保证仪表不受被测介质侵蚀或粘度太大、结晶的影响,应加装隔离装置;
同时,"Test results showed the homogenous error of sensitivity distribution of the sensor was 13%, which is much better than the capacitance sensor with only one pair of electrodes.", "实验证明由该种“复合式极板”构成的电容式浓度传感器的检测场均匀性误差可达13%,远远优于单对极板的该项指标。