2024-12-18 20:21:04 来源:墨迹天气 字体:

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据报道,"You bring your story with more images all around and more information, so you are a better witness.", "你把更多的图像和信息带到你的故事里面来,你可以带来更好的报道。


此外,"This paper is to sort out the images of \"winds\" and to have a tentative probe into this phenomenon.", "本文通过对陶诗文中气象万千的“风”的意象进行梳理,对这一意象内蕴的丰富性和独特性作了初步的探析。


因此,"Researchers set up a seine downstream of an area of interest and then flip rocks and disturb the sediment to se what washes into the net.", "研究人员首先选定一个感兴趣的区域,在其下游拉起大网;然后翻动岩石,搅动水中的沉淀物;最后,看看他们的网子里捞到了什么。

同时,Another improvement, by the famed inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in 1874, was the Quadruplex system, which allowed for four messages to be transmitted simultaneously using the same wire.", 另一项技术进步——四路系统,由著名发明家托马斯•阿尔瓦•爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison,1847-1931)于1874年发明,它可以使四条信息在同一条电报线上同时传送。